Attendance / Presenoldeb

Attendance Matters – Information for Parents

Wrexham School’s Attendance Policy 2022

Pupil Absence
Please let us know if your child is unable to attend school for any reason, either via a telephone call, e-mail or a note to the class teacher. If you fail to inform us of the reason for absence you will receive a phone call asking you to let us know the reason your child is not in school.  If you fail to inform us of the reason for absence an “unauthorised absence” may be registered.

Please let us know in advance if you need to take your child out of school during normal school hours by sending a note or Seesaw the class teacher. You can then call at the school office at the pre-arranged time to collect your child.

All children who arrive late must be signed in at the office, and similarly children who are collected early must be signed out. No child will be allowed to leave the premises during school time unaccompanied.

We are only able to authorise 10 days for term-time holiday. Any further holidays will be recorded as an unauthorised absence. School will not authorise holidays where there is an ongoing history of poor attendance, as this will be detrimental to your child’s education.

If your child’s attendance is consistently good, you will need to complete the holiday form (see below). Attendance will be checked and the form sent to the Headteacher to make a decision whether to authorise or not.

Holiday form-1